Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ever Wondered How to Chop Maytha?

She might as well have titled her latest post, “I’m dumb and easy,” because that’s how it came across. Using KABOBfest as her own personal, Maytha puts it all out there: This is what you need to say to sleep with me…

Do you speak Arabic? Yes but I don’t speak well. Would you like to drink something? Ok. Would you like to drink some coffee? Yes I’d like to drink some coffee. Would you like to eat something with me? Yes I would like to eat something. At the restaurant? No, at the hotel. With me? Yes. Very good.

To think, all this time I thought I’d have to gain pudgy weight, wax my eyebrows, grow a vagina on my face, and exploit my culture in run-of-the-mill no-flow pop-rap music in order to catch Maytha’s attention…

Thanks for clearing that up Maytha. By the way, would you like to drink some coffee with me?


Anonymous said...

wow, you really have too much time on your could do much better by simply writing about things that interest you (which KF supposedly banned you from) rather than stalking KF and attempting to bash a blog that has contributed a great deal to the blogging community. Seriously, get a life.

Programmer Buydatti said...

no YOU get a life. LOSER!